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[The Rattle] Email your Baby

Day 14: 31 Day Challenge

We all want to document our baby's life- their milestones, growth spurts and all those cute silly stories. I have a baby book, photo books and even a website for E [a lot of our family lives out of town]. But honestly I have a hard time keeping up with everything and sometimes a month or two goes by and I am struggling to remember what he did, and when he did it.

Then I read about starting an email account up for your baby. WHAT!?! Yes, that's right, get your little babe their very own email account. Not so that they can type out emails to Grandma and Grandpa, but so you can start sending them emails that they can read when they are older. I LOVE this idea. I don't know about you, but I am in my email at least once a day, so how easy would it be to quick just type up an email similar to this:

10.14.2011 [8 months]

Baby E-- You are waking up VERY early these days. So it was another 5:30AM wake up call for mama. I think you are getting your first cold :( Today we went to your ECFE "baby & me" class and you LOVE playing with all the other babies. Lately you've been climbing on everything and crawling all over, you're going to be walking in no time! This week you were over at Grandma's and you practiced climbing the stairs for the first time, such a big boy!

Done and done. Record milestones, write those silly stories and have it all documented in one place!


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