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Day 31 [31 Day Challenge]

Day 31: 31 Day Challenge

I MADE IT!!!!!!

Let me tell you, blogging for 31 days straight is a challenge. I know I had a few days where I got behind, but count them... there are 31+ new posts in the month of October.

Thank you all for following along. Thank you new readers for joining. I hope you all were able to find a few new things to do with your little ones to keep busy at and away from your home. Please continue to read for more fun ideas. :)

To end the 31 day challenge I wanted to provide you a few good resources to look up additional games, songs and activities to do with your baby.

BabyCenter.com [Games & Activities section]

WhatToExpect.com [Playtime Fun section]

RookieMoms.com [awesome website and GREAT book for ideas!]

Keep busy with those babies!


[The Rattle] Take a Trip to the Library

Day 30: 31 Day Challenge

Reading will help build your child's vocabulary, stimulate his imagination, and improve his communication skills. [babycenter.com]

Going to the library is a fun and FREE activity to get you out of the house with your little one.

E and I love to read books every day. For mama, that means getting sick of reading the same books over and OVER again. Which is why we love taking trips to the library. Baby E loves when I plop him down with a puzzle and then I go pick out new books. If your baby isn't sitting yet, bring them in the car seat or strap them in a carrier so they can look at all the books with you. When your baby gets older they will have a blast helping you pick out the books. The library is fun for any age!


[The Rattle] Capture Baby's First Year in Pictures

Day 29: 31 Day Challenge

Take a picture of your baby each month to document their growth in the first year. It's fun to see how much they change and grow. Try taking the picture in the same spot each time [a favorite chair, in the nursery, etc.] or with a special toy.

We take E's picture each month in his rocker with his stuffed monkey [that I bought him at FAO Schwarz when I was about 5 months pregnant].

You can also buy monthly stickers to put on their clothes that say how old they are [which are adorable]. Try Sticky Bellies or Etsy.com for a variety of patterns.

[The Rattle] Skype + Baby

Day 28: 31 Day Challenge

I like to think that I am pretty tech savvy, but I admit that I am just getting the hang of Skype. Thanks to Skype's free video chat service, in the past month I have been able to: talk to my brother who lives in NYC, meet my friend's new baby that lives in the UK and catch up with a friend who is traveling across the world for work.

While it's fun to see them and chat, it's more fun to show off Baby E since they don't get to see him that often! I tend to Skype in his bedroom and then show them all the trouble he is getting into. To quote my mother-in-law, babies change so much and so often in their first year, it's hard to be away from them for any amount of time without feeling like you've missed something. [So yes, Grandma-Far Away, it's time to set up that camera for your computer you've been talking about.]

[The Rattle] Infant Massage

Day 27: 31 Day Challenge

Infant Massage is a great way to help your baby relax and get ready for bedtime. It is also a great way to bond with your baby.

Infant Massage can help ease your baby’s tummy troubles and teething pains, boost his muscle development, calm him when he’s fussy, and soothe him to sleep. But the advantages don’t stop there: All that stroking and touching make it easier for you to bond with your newborn. [whattoexpect.com] Read more about the benefits and different techniques here.

[For the visual learner] Watch this short video on YouTube. I apologize up front for the cheesiness , but I like how it is short and to the point. Read cues from your baby and do as much or as little as they like, each baby prefers a little something different.

[NOTE: Minnesota Mama's: Amma Maternity is just one of many places that offer Infant Massage classes.]

[The Rattle] Demo... aka FREE Baby Classes

Day 26: 31 Day Challenge

E and I love keeping busy. There are a lot of places that you can sign up for a block of weekly classes with your baby: gyms, music classes and so on. But how do you know if your baby is going to like it or not? Or what if you can't afford to spend a couple hundred dollars for a 13 week class?

I have the solution for you. DEMO CLASSES. A lot of businesses let you [as a new customer] take a demo class to see what it is all about. Why not take advantage of something free?!

Here are just a few places to check out, but feel free to ask your local businesses if they have the same type of program!

The Little Gym
My Gym
Music Together

Have you tried out any demo classes before?


Trick or Treat | Halloween Fun in the Twin Cities!

Looking to celebrate baby's first Halloween? Or perhaps you are enjoying your older baby's 2nd Halloween who is looking for a little more to do. Here's a round-up of events going on in the Twin Cities this weekend that you should check out!


Halloween Party at MN Children's Museum
Trick-or-treat throughout the Museum, get jumpy on a moon bounce [older babies only please!], and special Halloween activities. Pre-registeration is recommended, but not requested. [NOTE: You do NOT have to be a member to attend].


Great Pumpkin Festival of 2011 [@ Shops of West End]
Halloween music, dance contests, games, photo opportunities, pumpkin patch and so much more!

50th and France Pumpkin Fest
Come enjoy fun kids' activities including trick-or-treating, face painting, horse trolley rides, and pin the face on the pumpkin. Trick-or-treating starts at 10:00 a.m. and all other activities from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Science Museum Boo-ology
The Science Museum will host Boo-ology, a Halloween event for visitors of all ages. Kids under 12 in costume will receive free admission to the permanent exhibit galleries, and they'll have the chance to join in a variety of spooky hands-on science activities with a Halloween spin! This year's activities include a costume contest with prizes.


Amma Maternity Halloween Party
Get a free photo of your baby in costume in the pumpkin patch and enjoy a special Halloween story time performance by Sara Waters [at 11:30].
[NOTE: This is probably the most baby friendly event!]

Boo Bash on Grand Ave.
Costume contest, petting zoo, pony rides, trick or treating and much more!

Pumpkin Carving and Story Time @ Red Balloon Bookshop
Pumpkin Carving Demonstration with Author & Master Carver David La Rochelle—you have never seen pumpkins like his! The Haunted Hamburger will be the story time feature.


Spooky Halloween Gathering for Kids [and babies!] [@ Minnehaha Free Space]
Celebrate Halloween with a “Spooky Gathering for Kids”! There will be spooky (and fun!) activities, games and treats at this open house from 4-7 in the free space. Costumes are encouraged and all ages welcome. There will be snacks. It will be fun!

Do you know of an event going on that is not listed? Please share!

Happy Halloween Everyone :)


[The Rattle] Paint a Pumpkin

Day 25: 31 Day Challenge

Halloween is going to be here before you know it. While it’s probably not the best idea to carve a pumpkin with [a large knife] and your baby, you can still have fun with pumpkins. Let your baby paint a pumpkin! Spread out newspaper [or I used our splat mat] all over the floor, use washable paint, strip your baby down to a diaper and let them have a go. Babies love to make messes and you’ll get a cute pumpkin in return. Just make sure you have the tub ready to go to wash your little artist afterwards.

And for a fun twist, add a design on your pumpkin with duct tape prior to painting. We did the letter E [of course]!


[The Rattle] Turn Household Items into Baby Toys

Day 24: 31 Day Challenge

This idea is very similar to the Tupperware Party. Babies LOVE to play with every day household items. Sometimes I wonder why I even bother buying E toys at all!

Find household items and make them into toys. The following list below has been baby tested and approved!

Laundry Basket
Old Remote Controls
Cardboard Boxes
Paper Grocery Bag
Old Computer Key Board
Water Bottles
[Washed] Shampoo Bottles
Measuring Cups
Empty Ice Cream Bucket
Paper Towel Rolls

Here's a great article I found about homemade baby toys. Check it out for some great DIY ideas.

What is your baby's favorite household item to play with?

[The Rattle] Mommy Jungle Gym

Day 23: 31 Day Challenge

E's favorite playtime these days is using his newly perfected skill of crawling. And not only crawling, but climbing. He will climb on anything he can grasp his sticky little fingers on: stools, the coffee table, stairs, the puppy... and his favorite, Mama!

Another simple idea. Sometimes we need to put the toys away and remember to get down on the floor and play with our babies. I like to lay on the ground curled up in different positions and let E climb all over me- Mommy Jungle Gym.

Or if you have been clawed at enough, try stacking a bunch of pillows on the floor. This will help them with balance and coordination. Babies need to be encouraged at each developmental stage and this will allow them to work on their crawling skills.

[The Rattle] Bring Your Baby to Story Time

Day 22: 31 Day Challenge

Reading will help build your child's vocabulary, stimulate his imagination, and improve his communication skills. [BabyCenter.com]

I know I've talked about story time before, but this is a great [and typically FREE] event that you can find almost anywhere. Babies LOVE to be read to, and it's great for their development. Plus, I don't know about you, but I am always getting tired of our books at home.

Story time is a great place for babies to get some social playtime with other babies [and children]. They love the vibrant interaction that a storyteller normally showcases.

Check out your local library or bookstores for free story time events.

[NOTE: MN mama's click here for a listing of free weekly story times in the Twin Cities]

[The Rattle] Join Amazon Mom

Day 21: 31 Day Challenge

Babies are not cheap... but WORTH EVERY PENNY!

I LOVE a good deal. And with babies it seems like they are always growing out of their clothes, getting bored with their toys and didn't I just buy diapers?

My favorite way to save money is Amazon Mom.

Amazon Mom is a free membership program aimed at helping parents in the prenatal through toddler years use Amazon to find all the products their family needs. Despite the name, you don't need to be a mom to belong. Amazon Mom is open to anyone caring for a baby or young child, whether you're a mom, dad, grandparent, or caregiver.

Personally I think Amazon Mom is better than any super store or coupons clipped. I save 30% on diapers because I have signed up for the subscribe and save program. You also get three months of free two day shipping when you sign up. Every $25 you spend in the baby store, you earn an extra month of free shipping for up to a year. I haven't paid for shipping ONCE.

The best part of Amazon Mom? Convenience. Especially in those first few months of new baby. Amazon became my new Target [you know, where you are shopping there at least once a week and always finding something you didn't need, but have to get]. Savings brought right to my doorstep, doesn't get better than that!

[The Rattle] Make a Rattle

Day 20: 31 Day Challenge

I am sure you can google a million different cheap [or free] ways to make rattles for babies. I made baby E's rattle by mistake and no lie- it is his FAVORITE toy to play with these days.

I bought these small GladWare containers to put snacks in for E when we are on the go. They are perfect for Cheerios or Puffs.

Homemade rattle? DONE.

This small container filled with treats entertains E the longest out of any of his toys right now. And BONUS it stores treats for when it's snack time!

It may be simple, but there are some days when I would have paid big money for how entertaining this has been for E! I hope it entertains your baby as much as it does mine.

Have you made your own rattle? What's worked for you?


[Article from Star Tribune] Strollers: Mother of All Workouts

Attention Minnesota Mama's:

I wanted to share an article with you that was in the Star Tribune last week about Stroller Strides.

Strollers: Mother of all workouts [article by: AIMÉE TJADER , Star Tribune]

Stroller Strides is a national company that provides a total-body workout for moms with strollers--in parks when the weather is nice, in malls when it is not. It's one of several parent-child workout programs in the Twin Cities that are popping up in the form of mommy boot camps and even family yoga classes that have moms, dads and kids jumping like frogs and swaying like trees. Despite the national focus on health and fitness, many moms report having little or no time to exercise or feeling guilty about leaving their child to do so. That's why mom-specific workouts that include children have become so popular. Such "mommy and me" classes tout providing mothers with a way to work out, socialize with other moms and interact with their children using quirky nursery rhymes and silly games amid lunges and squats. [startribune.com]

It's a great article and sounds like a really good activity to stay busy with your baby while getting back into shape. Also, what a great way to meet other mom's in your area.

[NOTE: If you aren't from MN, Stroller Strides is a national company, so be sure to find a group in your city.]

[The Rattle] Photo Shoot in the Leaves

Day 19: 31 Day Challenge

If you haven't figured it out by now... I love taking pictures of my little man. Here's another fun idea for taking pictures in the fall: a photo shoot in the leaves!

Turn a boring weekend chore like raking the leaves into another fun photo opportunity for your baby. Rake a small pile of leaves, sit your baby in the center and snap away…Paparazzi style! If your baby isn’t sitting yet, put them in the bumbo and cover it with leaves. Babies love the crinkles and crunchy sounds that leaves make, just make sure they don’t eat them like my little man tried to do!

[Guest Post] Exercise with your Baby!

Last week I wrote a guest post about 5 things to do with your baby in the fall over at Toys In the Dryer [check out my post here if you missed it.] I am lucky enough to introduce to you the two fabulous mommy's behind that blog who have a treat for us today about exercising with your baby! Enjoy!!

Hello Busy Little Baby readers, we are Jamie and Lindsi and we blog at ToysInTheDryer.com. Our blog is full of tasty treats, humor, expert advice, and activity/craft ideas for living in the moment with your kids. We hope to inspire you to spend some quality time with your children.

Today we're bringing you 5 easy excercises you can do with your baby. It's a win/win because you'll get the excercise you need but your baby will think you're playing! Just remember to get clearence from your doctor before beginning to exercise and make sure your baby can hold their head up strong before you involve him or her.

[1] Squats
Hold your baby how ever is most comfortable for you. Stand with your feet hip to shoulder width apart. Squat down like you are going to sit in a chair. Make sure to keep your knees in line with your toes, do not extend them forward. Keep your weight on your heels and squeeze your butt as you stand up. Make sure not to buckle your knees inward as you stand.

[2] Lunges
Hold your baby how ever is most comfortable for you. Stand with your feet hip to shoulder width apart. Take a step forward. Your back leg should be on your tip toes and then go straight down. Do not extend your front knee past your toes.

[3] Push-ups
Lay your baby on the floor/mat. Position yourself chest down over your baby with your hands on either side of your baby and in line horizontally with your shoulders. If you are a beginner, support your legs on your knees, if you are stronger, straighten your legs and get on your tip-toes. Bend your arms and lower yourself to kiss your baby. Keep your back and your butt straight in line with each other, do not bend or arch them. Now push your self up and smile at your baby!

[4] Sit-ups/crunches
Lie on your back on the floor, knees bent, with your toes and heels flat on the floor. Sit your baby on your stomach, leaning back on your legs. Put your arms behind your neck, crossed across your chest, or at your sides (which ever is more comfortable for you). Tighten your abdominal muscles by drawing your belly button to your spine then slowly lift your head and back to crunch your muscles. Remember not to round out your back or bring your chin to your chest. Keep a straight back and neck. Do not bring your elbows inward. Keep your chest open.

[5] Chest Press
Lie on your back on the floor, holding your baby beneath his or her arms. You and your baby should be face-to-face. Slowly push your baby upward, extending your arms towards the ceiling, keeping your elbows slightly bent then lower baby back down to your chest level. Remember to keep your spine straight and do not arch it and do not lift your head off the floor.

What exercises have you done with your baby?


[The Rattle] Baby Painting with Yogurt!

Day 18: 31 Day Challenge


What you'll need:

Food Coloring
Plastic Mat [shower curtain, splat mat, etc.]
An extra set of hands to take photos [and the help is nice, but optional!]
Bath towels ready for bath time afterwards

This is as easy as it sounds. Buy some plain yogurt. Separate the yogurt into as many containers as you would like colors [we did 3: blue, yellow and red]. Then add the food coloring to each container [it depends on how much yogurt you use, I did about 4-5 drops per color].
[HINT: Leave the yogurt out for 5-10 mins. to warm up a bit before letting baby play with it so it's not too cold to the touch.]

Lay out your plastic mat [kitchen is a great area to do this, if it's summer, outside is even better for cleaning.] Dump out all colors on mat without mixing [that's the fun part for baby!] Strip your babe down to their diaper, place them on the mat & let them paint away! The best part? If they eat the "paint", it's ok!
[HINT: If you do this in the winter, crank the heat in the house about a half hour beforehand so that your baby won't be too cold in their diaper.]

This is perfect for babies that can sit, but aren't crawling yet because you will have a contained mess. E is on the move these days so by the end of our painting adventure he was covered in yogurt as well as myself. He kept trying to crawl off the mat and was sliding all over the place, it was pretty darn cute. Afterwards it was straight into the tub for the both of us!


[The Rattle] Join a Mommy & Me Class

Day 17: 31 Day Challenge

Whether you have mommy friends or not, it’s always nice to get together with other moms, dads or caregivers with babies of similar ages. Babies love other babies. They can play and interact with each other while you swap sleep strategies and funniest baby moments. Try going through your local school district Early Family Child Education programs, hospitals, or prenatal|newborn education businesses. Meetup.org is another place to find mommy groups specific to where you live.

Check out the calendar of events page for some free drop-in classes in the Twin Cities.


[The Rattle] Dance As Though No One is Watching

Day 16: 31 Day Challenge

Are you familiar with the famous quote above? Well when you are parent, you need to pay attention to the first and third actions.

Dance as though no one is watching you.

E loves when I dance silly. Yes SILLY, because this mama cannot dance! But babies love when you dance around the kitchen flailing your arms all around while jumping up and down on one foot. Anything to get that adorable baby giggle fit right? Try it.

Sing as though no one can hear you.

Well, your baby can hear you. Let me tell you, they do not care how off pitch you are or if you know the words or not, they just love to hear you sing. In fact, singing is very soothing to crying babies and lately has been helping me get through wiggly diaper changes. So sing kids songs, sing your favorite rock or country tune, just SING SING SING.

[The Rattle] Baby Swap

Day 15: 31 Day Challenge

My sister-in-law is due with her second child any day now. I'm so excited to meet my new niece or nephew! We got to talking this weekend and she was saying how they didn't have a lot of winter clothes for the new baby. My niece [her first] was born in the spring. Luckily E was a winter baby, so I told her she could have a bunch of E's old clothes that no longer fit. Then I was telling her how we wanted to get some older baby toys for E to play with now that he more active and cruising all over. She offered that we could borrow some of my niece's baby toys since her new little one won't need them right away.

THAT. Is a baby swap.

Do you have any friends, neighbors or family members that have babies or little ones at home that have outgrown their clothes or toys? Or maybe your babies are the same age. Have you ever noticed how babies seem to get bored with their toys after awhile, but love playing with someone else's toys? Swap a bag full of toys for a month.

If your baby is older and you know someone who is just about to have a baby, can you think of some baby gear that you don't use anymore that they could borrow? A carrier your baby has grown out of? Bouncers they won't sit still in? Take advantage of your mommy [and daddy] friends and let them take advantage of you right back.

A Re-Introduction to BusyLittleBaby and [The Rattle]

Welcome [back] to BusyLittleBaby! and hello to any new followers, I'm glad you found your way here. :)

I'm a first time mom to [the MOST adorable] 8 mo. old boy "E". This whole parenting thing is new to me and threw my life upside down... but in the most amazing way possible!

The idea behind this blog is for me to be your "online mom friend". Luckily I have some great friends and family in my life that already have babies and have shown me some great resources. But information is so scattered online that sometimes its hard to even know where to begin.

That brings me to the two main purposes of my blog. [1] To provide you with as much information about things to do in the Twin Cities [Minnesota, where I am from] with your baby [0-24 mo]. There are so many websites and companies out there that are kid-friendly, but I haven't found a lot that just focus on babies. I will try to let you know about as many free events, activities and places to go with your little ones that hopefully you will never run out of ideas! And [2] if you don't live in the Twin Cities, I don't want to leave you out. So that is why I have also decided to blog. Most of my blog posts are more focused on things to do with your baby ANYWHERE. Fun and expensive ideas to do with your baby and also as a new parent.

To read more about beginning BusyLittleBaby click here.

If some of you are confused with a lot of my posts starting with [The Rattle], let me explain. I decided that each week I am going to go back to the basics and post under [The Rattle]. The rattle: simple, inexpensive, stimulating, entertaining. The posts will be able simple, [mostly] inexpensive and entertaining ideas for you and your baby.

Read more about [The Rattle] and my 31 day challenge here.

So welcome! Enjoy. And have fun with those babies!


[The Rattle] Email your Baby

Day 14: 31 Day Challenge

We all want to document our baby's life- their milestones, growth spurts and all those cute silly stories. I have a baby book, photo books and even a website for E [a lot of our family lives out of town]. But honestly I have a hard time keeping up with everything and sometimes a month or two goes by and I am struggling to remember what he did, and when he did it.

Then I read about starting an email account up for your baby. WHAT!?! Yes, that's right, get your little babe their very own email account. Not so that they can type out emails to Grandma and Grandpa, but so you can start sending them emails that they can read when they are older. I LOVE this idea. I don't know about you, but I am in my email at least once a day, so how easy would it be to quick just type up an email similar to this:

10.14.2011 [8 months]

Baby E-- You are waking up VERY early these days. So it was another 5:30AM wake up call for mama. I think you are getting your first cold :( Today we went to your ECFE "baby & me" class and you LOVE playing with all the other babies. Lately you've been climbing on everything and crawling all over, you're going to be walking in no time! This week you were over at Grandma's and you practiced climbing the stairs for the first time, such a big boy!

Done and done. Record milestones, write those silly stories and have it all documented in one place!


[The Rattle] Go for a Hike

Sometimes as new moms and dads it’s hard to find time to exercise. Going for a hike with your baby is the perfect way to give yourself some added energy. Point out all the colors on the trees and watch some falling leaves. Strap your baby in your favorite carrier or if you prefer the stroller that works too. Just get outside and enjoy this beautiful weather before it's too late!


[The Rattle] Make Your Own BabyLegs!

Day 12: 31 Day Challenge

I am obsessed with BabyLegs [baby leg warmers]. And no, they are not just for baby girls! E loves wearing them [ok, scratch that, I love putting him in them] now that he is crawling. They protect his little knees, keep him warm and look adorable.

BabyLegs always has great sales, but I recently stumbled upon some DIY options and couldn't wait to share! So I need to start off by thanking these crafty bloggers who have already done the work and provided us with step-by-step tutorials.

Calico [cute way to add a ruffle for girls]

Happy crafting!

Twin Cities Birth and Babies Expo

This Saturday [October 15th] is the 3rd annual Twin Cities Birth and Babies Expo. This is a FREE event held at Midtown Global Market in Minneapolis from 10:00AM - 3:00PM.

The mission of the Twin Cities Birth and Baby Expo is to connect local families with empowering, multicultural resources and education that promote healthy birth and parenting and to celebrate the transformative experience of becoming parents. The Expo will showcase local businesses and organizations that operate in line with this mission. We aim to connect parents and families in the Twin Cities with businesses and organizations that offer products or services promoting healthy birth and parenting from diverse perspectives. [twincitiesbirthandbaby.com]

There will be a variety of exhibitors specializing in anything from clothing to baby products as well as support and resources. To see a full list of the exhibitors attending this year click here.

No babysitter? No problem! Here's a schedule of the [FREE] events taking place that day:

10:30 Tots Yoga - Sara Sarzosa, Blooma Yoga
11:00 Homebirth in MN - Emme Corbeil and Clare Welter, Trillium Midwives
11:30 Music Class - Emily Ireland, Musikgarten
12:00 Comfort Measures in Childbirth - The Childbirth Collective
12:30 Cloth Diapers 101 - Liz Wickoren, All Things Diapers
12:45 2011 "Best of the Twin Cities Birth & Baby" Awards Presentation - ICAN
1:00 World’s Biggest Blessingway - Maureen Campion, Marriage Geek
1:30 Babywearing Fashion Show - Twin Cities Attachment Parenting
1:30 Postpartum Tips and Techniques - Margaret McKinley Owens
2:00 Tots Yoga - Lindsey McCoy, Blooma Yoga

I think I'm most excited about the music class at 11:30 since that is something that I've been wanting to do with E, but they all look really fun. Click here for more details about each event.

Hope to see you there!


[The Rattle] Mess-Free Painting with Baby

Day 11: 31 Day Challenge

I've tried painting with a 4 mo old [cute Father's day present] but WHAT A MESS. On the days you want to get creative with baby but don't want to spend hours in the bathtub, try out this fun project!

What you need:

Heavy Duty Ziplock Bag [I used a med bag= less paint]
Washable Paint
Baby Oil
Duct Tape [JUST in case]

How you do it:

Add paint [fun to mix colors] + baby oil to the ziplock bag. I did about a 65% paint to 35% baby oil ratio, but just eyeball it. Try adding pom-poms or glitter for more fun. Let out most of the air and seal TIGHTLY. Then duct tape the bag opening if you are worried your babe will try to open it. Let them grab, pat, and play with the bag while they watch the colors change.

[NOTE: make sure to always supervise your baby during playtime. My little man tried to eat the bag which is a big no-no!]


[The Rattle] Utilize the Drive Thru!

Day 10: 31 Day Challenge

This one is especially for all of you new mamas [and papas] out there. Still nervous about taking your baby out of the house? Not enough practice with the car seat? TIME TO GET OUT OF THE HOUSE.

Today I challenge you to bundle up your little one, pack them in the car seat and go for a drive. But that's about as much as you should do. DRIVE. Find a coffee shop that has drive thru, drop off your library books or pick up your dry cleaning [yes my dry cleaners has a drive-thru... LOVE!]

This also is a great activity if you have a cranky baby or a baby who won't stop crying. Most babies will be lulled to sleep by the steady movement of a moving car [or stroller].

Simple. But a good reminder.


[The Rattle] Snuggle in Bed

Day 9: 31 Day Challenge

It's Sunday. Sundays are meant for sleeping in [if baby lets you!] late brunches, football [in the fall] and family time. It's the one day of the week I know my hubby doesn't have to work and we all get to be home and stay in our jammies all morning, if not all day!

I don't need to tell you much about today's suggestion, but sometimes I believe we need to be reminded that it's ok for some days, to just do NOTHING. Crawl back into bed with your baby, husband, wife, other children and just SNUGGLE.

If you have a wee baby 3 months or younger, heck, take a whole morning and stay in bed! Watch a movie or read a good book while your baby snoozes next to you. Or even better, nap with them! If you have a more active baby [like me right now!] take advantage of the few snuggles they give you in between playing peek-a-boo under the covers or with the pillows.

It's Sunday, It's ok to be lazy and enjoy your loved ones. :)

[The Rattle] Visit a Pet Store

Day 8: 31 Day Challenge

Another fun and FREE idea is to take your baby to the pet store. While this might be a bigger hit with a little older babies, I think most babies will still get something out of the visit.

The nice thing about pet stores is that you can get up close and personal with the animals [unlike going to the zoo]. Let your baby peer into the bunny cages or let them touch the fish tank as all the colorful fish swim by. Walk around with your baby and ask them what the different animals say. Describe the animals too. Is the puppy soft? How about the lizard? What color is it?

I personally love small chain pet stores because typically you can find the adorable puppies and kitties for sale [and who doesn't like to ohhh and ahh over more babies]! However, a lot of big chain pet stores allow animals inside the stores [from customers shopping]. If you don't have any animals at home, this might be a great opportunity for your baby to get accustomed with house pets. But before getting too up close and personal, make sure you talk to the owners of the pet before your baby lunges to say hello [and grabs a tail while they are at it!]

[The Rattle] Photo Album for Baby

Day 7: 31 Day Challenge

By 6 months of age, your baby is starting to recognize faces [other than just mom & dad] and this is a big excitement for them! It's helping them with their fine motor skills and pattern recognition.

A fun way to help baby take advantage of this new skill set is to make them their very own photo album. You'll need to buy a small photo album [typically hold 4X6 pictures, one photo per page]. You can buy one that they make specifically for babies like this Sassy Look Photo Book or the Manhattan Toy Photo Book. Or you can also find cheaper [non-baby] photo albums at Target, Walmart or even your local dollar store that will work just the same for this project.

Once you have the photo album, fill the pages with pictures of people in your baby's life [mom, dad, grandmas, grandpas, aunties, uncles, babysitters, the dog!] and also include a picture of your baby. Have extra pages to fill? Snap pictures of their favorite toys, or familiar objects like a ball, tree or an apple.

This will be a fun book for you to read with your baby and point out all the familiar faces. Once they get a little older, they will be able to recognize the people on their own, which will be such a delight for them. This book will instantly become a favorite!


[The Rattle] Take a Trip to the Outdoor Nursery

Day 6: 31 Day Challenge

We have been having a BEAUTIFUL fall so far here in Minnesota. It makes me want to do more and more outside while we can still enjoy the weather and fabulous colors. I read about this idea in the book Rookie Mom's [highly recommend] and just had to share.

Take your little one to an outdoor nursery. Babies love using their senses. Let them listen to the different water fountains, look at all the colorful flowers and touch the different textured plants. Let them play with the wind chimes [without breaking them!] and look at their reflection in the gleaming garden balls.

If you live in the Twin Cities, Gerten's in Inver Grove Heights, is a great place to visit. They have a huge greenhouse and garden center. Plus every Saturday in October, Gerten's hosts their annual Pumpkin Festival from 10:00AM - 4:00PM. The event includes hayrides, apple tasting, story time, petting zoo, fun fall treats and more!


[The Rattle] Visit Someone for Lunch

Day 5: 31 Day Challenge

So yesterday we stayed home for lunch. Today we are going to venture out!

Are you still on maternity leave? Or perhaps you are a stay-at-home mom [or dad]. I know it can get easy to fall into your routine at home day after day, but it is good to practice taking your baby OUT [and great to get some adult interaction so you don't drive yourself crazy].

Today we are going to visit someone for lunch. If you haven't taken your baby to visit your work or your partner's work, this is a great time to do so! But sorry Daddy, today E & I are visiting a good friend that we haven't seen in a while.

So today's tip is simple and you might have already done it, but it's a reminder. It's easy to get caught up in the day to day routine once baby has arrived and don't forget to change it up every now and then! So I challenge you to set up a lunch date by the end of this week and go make someone's day [because who doesn't LOVE seeing a cute baby in the middle of their work day!?]


[The Rattle] Throw a Tupperware Party... for your BABY!

Day 4: 31 Day Challenge

Have you ever noticed how your baby grabs for everything he or she shouldn't? The remote control, your cell phone, the dog's chew [oh yes, there has been plenty of that over in our house!] For some reason babies LOVE what they can't have. Or just something they haven't seen and played with over and over again.

Which brings me to Tupperware. Plastic [aka nonbreakable and nontoxic to baby] and it's easy to wash [double bonus!] If you need 5 minutes in the kitchen to make a sandwich or unload the dishwasher, try dumping out a bunch of Tupperware on the floor and let your baby play. Embrace the mess. Have a cupboard or pull out drawer near the floor? Pile up all your Tupperware and let baby get it out themselves, oh the fun! And don't stop at Tupperware....water bottles, spatulas, ice cream buckets, plastic spoons and measuring cups are all just as exciting.

[The Rattle] Backyard Picnic

Day 3: 31 Day Challenge

Here in MN we are having an Indian Summer: 80s in October? Not normal in Minnesota. Regardless of where you live, fall is a beautiful season. For some of us, it's our last chance to enjoy the outdoors before the blustering snow hits. So today E and I are going to go for a picnic... in the backyard!

Sometimes taking your baby away from home is a LOT of work. At the same time, being cooped up in the house all day can drive you crazy. A picnic in the backyard is the perfect combination! Pack your lunch like you were leaving home, even bust out the picnic basket. Pack a bag for baby too... a blanket, some toys [babies LOVE bubbles] and don't forget a hat if it's sunny. Then set up your picnic in your backyard and enjoy! And the best part: If baby is fussy or the weather turns bad, you are just a few steps away from home!


[The Rattle] Personalized Cards

Day 2: 31 Day Challenge

Now that you had fun having your own baby photo shoot why not use those adorable pictures for something fun like personalized cards. Is there a birthday coming up? Holiday? Did Grandma buy you a cute outfit?

You can buy blank cards at local craft stores and paste the picture on the front. Or just cut out the picture add some paper to the back and you have a postcard! Try using a fun [and FREE] site like Picnik where you can add text or make fun collages.

Time to get creative!

[The Rattle] Baby Photo Shoot

Day 1: 31 Day Challenge

You don’t need a professional photographer to get great shots of your baby! Try having a baby photo shoot at home with your little one. Crank the RockABye Baby and use all those adorable [or NOT so adorable] outfits you received. Also grab a neutral color blanket, perhaps a boppy pillow or bumbo for propping, and a well lit room [natural light works best]. Then take as many shots [and outfit changes] as you want until you get that perfect smile!

[The Rattle] + The 31 Day Challenge

Sophie the Giraffe. Baby Einstein. Haba Toys. It is easy to get caught up in having the best and sometimes most expensive toys for our baby. [Don't get me wrong, E has Sophie and it has been a teething GENIUS!] We want our babies to be stimulated. We want them to have the same opportunities: to learn, grow and develop. And let's face it, as some of us are new parents, we just don't know any better as to what is worth spending the money on and what isn't.

So I want to bring us back to the basics. The rattle: simple, inexpensive, stimulating, entertaining. We don't always have to spend a lot of money to keep our baby's interest. Each week I will post about something simple, inexpensive and entertaining for you [and your baby]. They will be ideas for anyone and anywhere [so yes all of you non-Minnesotans please keep reading!]

This brings me to 31 days.

I decided to kick off The Rattle by participating in a link-up where I am dedicated to blogging every single day in October [I know, I'm starting late, I will make up for it!] So for 31 days you will get a different idea or activity to do with your little one... and so begins The Rattle!
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