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[Article from Star Tribune] Strollers: Mother of All Workouts

Attention Minnesota Mama's:

I wanted to share an article with you that was in the Star Tribune last week about Stroller Strides.

Strollers: Mother of all workouts [article by: AIMÉE TJADER , Star Tribune]

Stroller Strides is a national company that provides a total-body workout for moms with strollers--in parks when the weather is nice, in malls when it is not. It's one of several parent-child workout programs in the Twin Cities that are popping up in the form of mommy boot camps and even family yoga classes that have moms, dads and kids jumping like frogs and swaying like trees. Despite the national focus on health and fitness, many moms report having little or no time to exercise or feeling guilty about leaving their child to do so. That's why mom-specific workouts that include children have become so popular. Such "mommy and me" classes tout providing mothers with a way to work out, socialize with other moms and interact with their children using quirky nursery rhymes and silly games amid lunges and squats. [startribune.com]

It's a great article and sounds like a really good activity to stay busy with your baby while getting back into shape. Also, what a great way to meet other mom's in your area.

[NOTE: If you aren't from MN, Stroller Strides is a national company, so be sure to find a group in your city.]


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