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Saying Goodbye

Well this has been a long time coming [as you may have been able to tell by my lack of posting over the past year] but I am officially saying goodbye to BusyLittleBaby. I fell in the trap that so many bloggers do... I stopped blogging.  I give major props to all the people that can keep up with a blog!

BusyLittleBaby was such a fun way for me to research all the great activities to do with E when he was little in the Twin Cities.  I made a lot of great online friends and found so many places around town that E & I still love going to today.   Thank you to everyone who followed BusyLittleBaby and I hope it helped you get out of the house with your little guy or gal a few times too!

Last December I took a part time position with Minnesota Parent [part of the reason I started slacking on my blog!] and still continue to work there.  Minnesota Parent is a fabulous local parenting magazine that is also a GREAT resource for what is going on in the Twin Cities to do with your babies and kids. Hopefully you will find this to be just as great of a resource as I do.

I'm not  going to delete my blog, so you will still be able to see and use the resource pages. Also, I am still going to keep my twitter account @BusyLittleBaby, so please feel free to stay connected and see what E & I are up to. Or you can always email me at busylittlebaby@gmail.com. Big things coming in 2013.... E is going to be a big brother!  Baby #2 is expected in early June and we couldn't be more excited or feel more blessed.

Thanks again for all of your support and I hope you are enjoying those adorable babies! Xo

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