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About BLB

How many times can you play peek-a-boo over again… and again… and AGAIN? It isn’t long before you’re ready to crush that itsy bitsy spider out of frustration, and you’re longing to have a conversation with someone who can talk back to you!

As much as I tried, nothing could prepare me for parenthood and the 180-degree turn my life took. Pre-baby I was a social butterfly, always running around town. (Remember when you could run five errands in fifty minutes?) But now with a little one strapped to my body, being mobile and on the go takes a lot more time and effort.

To make matters worse, once I finally felt comfortable taking my baby out into that germ-covered world (admit it, you felt that way in the beginning too!), I realized how much more difficult it was to find things to do with my baby.

My other mom friends turned out to be a great resource for finding fun activities for me and my baby. Thank goodness for them, because I definitely wasn’t finding much help online.

So that got me thinking… wouldn’t it be great if there were ONE central place where you could find multiple events for your baby (ages 0-24 months) to do around the Twin Cities? Well, that’s the purpose of this website—to be an online resource where you can find events, classes and good deals for you and your little one. Let me be your personal “mom friend” who clues you in on what is happening around town!

Not in the Twin Cities? Not a problem! Follow me to get ideas on things to do with your baby in your hometown. I’ll also write about activities that will stimulate and educate your baby—and can be done without even leaving the house! (And eventually, I’d love to add more cities to this website too.)

So welcome! It's time to stop staring at your baby all day, take them out of their swing, and finally go out and do something together!
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