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Hot Summer Days.

Today is September 1st, but the coming fall was the last thing on my mind! 90+ degrees and hot sticky air meant at least one more day to enjoy our [always-to-short] Minnesota summer. So we did E's favorite activity of the summer: BACKYARD POOL DAY!

Whether they're in a warm winter bath or a cool summer pool, most babies love water play. It's a sensory extravaganza as children feel the wetness, hear the splashes and sprinkles, see the bubbles and waves, and maybe even taste a few droplets. It's also a sensational learning experience for your child: As your budding scientist pours, splashes, and giggles, she is observing cause and effect, experimenting with water's fascinatingly fluid properties, and being introduced to basic physics [what floats and what sinks]. -www.whattoexpect.com

If your baby is too small to sit on their own, try sitting them in a bumbo seat or hop in the pool yourself and splash along.

This is also inexpensive entertainment [bonus!]. I bought a whale baby pool from Target earlier this summer for a measly five dollars. I can fill up a bucket twice with luke-warm tub water and the pool is full. Toss in some measuring or stacking cups and hopefully you will have endless entertainment!


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