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Baby Shopping on a Budget.

Every time I go shopping I proudly come home and show my husband my purchases and say: "Guess how much I SAVED!?!" His response every time is: "Well how much did you SPEND?' Heartbreaker.

But who doesn't love a good sale? So when I heard about baby consignment sales I got really excited. Think of the biggest garage sale you've been to..... then times it by ten.... and imagine it is only stuff for babies and kids.

Let me introduce you to Just Between Friends and Munchkin Markets. Consignors bring new and gently-used children's [and maternity] clothing, toys and equipment to sell WAY below retailer prices [sometimes up to 80% off]. No need to drive all over town from garage sale to garage sale digging through messy piles. Shoppers can browse and purchase items in an organized environment all under one roof. These children's consignment sales happen in different locations throughout the Twin Cities [JBF is nationwide] each year.

Are you a first time mommy? I am! Which means we can sign up for the pre-sale BEFORE everyone else gets to shop. Check each website for additional details. Also, if you are looking to sell your babe's old stuff, it's a great way to make some money and clean up your house. Each company makes it easy to consign and give great tips on how to increase sales through tagging, pricing and organization.

I am going to make a list of all the things I am looking for BEFORE I head out to these upcoming sales to make it an easier shopping trip. [NOTE: some of the pre-sales are adults only for easier shopping, so make sure you have a sitter lined up.]

Happy shopping!


Blaine|Andover September 8-10
Eagan September 15-17
Woodbury September 22-24
Maple Grove October 13-15

Anoka County Fairgrounds September 10-11
Washington County Fairgrounds September 17-18
MN State Fairgrounds September 24-25


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